Our Boys Basketball program continues to develop and compete at a high level. The Greenville Hurricanes not only offer competitive play during the season, but also skill and player development in the off-season.

Get to know our program
Boys Program Manager: Chad Alana (for scheduling, email
Boys Administrator: Lindsay Muir (
Head Coach: Chad Alana - Chad has coached Christian, public, and homeschool high school boys and girls. In addition, he has coached D1 men's basketball, as well as holding the position of Director of Client Management and Associate Agent with Magic Johnson International Basketball.
Coaching Staff:
- Chad Alana - Varsity Head Coach
- Jose Rivera - Varsity Assistant Coach
- Ben Earle - JV Black Head Coach
- Joe Gatas - JV Black Assistant Coach
- Sam Ashley - JV Red Head Coach
- Chad Blackmer - JV Red Assistant Coach
- Scott Price - C Team Head Coach
- Steve Bouknight - C Team Assistant Coach
- Jay Carlisle - MS Head Coach
- Brent Rains - MS Assistant Coach
- Jonathan Neely - LittleCanes Head Coach
- Luke Cureton - LittleCanes Head Coach
Who Can Try Out - Any 6th-12th grade homeschooled student (or a traditionally-schooled student whose school does not offer boys basketball). It is the age eligibility policy of Greenville Hurricanes that athletes for the 24/25 school year do not turn 11 after 12/31/24 and do not turn 19 before 7/1/24.
Location - St. Giles Presbyterian (1021 Hudson Road, Greenville, SC)
Tryout Date - Monday, October 7th
Ages for Tryouts - We are requiring tryouts by birth date and not restricting teams to only certain grade levels. Please note the following age breakdown that will determine teams:
- MSB 12u - Player is 12 years old or younger on 8/1/24
- MSB 14u - Player is 14 years old or younger on 8/1/24
- JVB - Player is 16 years old or younger on 8/1/24
- VB - Player is 18 years old or younger on 7/1/24
Tryout Times -
- MSB 12u - 5-6pm
- MSB 14u - 6-7pm
- JV - 7-8pm
- V - 8-9pm
Any player interested in trying out must be signed up to try out! (signup link below)
Late Interest Tryouts - We will post dates in October for late interest tryouts. Please note that late interest tryouts will only be available in the event we have openings on a team, so it is important to make the original tryout date.
Coaching Staff:
- Chad Alana - Varsity Head Coach
- Jose Rivera - Varsity Assistant Coach
- Mark Phillips - Varsity Parent Assistant
- Ben Earle - JV Head Coach
- Joe Gatas - JV Assistant Coach
- Scott Price - MSB Head Coach 14u
- Steve Bouknight - MSB Assistant Coach 14u
- TBD - MSB Head Coach 12u
- TBD - MSB Assistant Coach 12u
Important Dates:
- 10/7 - Rosters will be emailed and online registration will open
- 10/9 - Parent/Player Orientation - 6pm - Taylors First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall (200 West Main Street, Taylors, SC) This meeting will include turning in physicals and birth certificates and sizing for uniforms
- 10/12 - Shoot-A-Thon Fundraiser
The practice schedule will vary based on game schedules and gym availability. Between practices and games, plan for 3-4 nights per week. Practices will be held at St. Giles Presbyterian Church (1021 Hudson Road, Greer, SC) and El Bethel Baptist Church (313 Jones Avenue, Greer, SC). Practice dates and times will be in the TeamSnap app for easy tracking.
The game schedule will be on your TeamSnap app once you have registered.
Each year we work to include tournaments for our teams. Below are both tournaments that are scheduled and tournaments that are being evaluated.
- Scheduled Tournaments -
- Holiday Tournament (Battle of the Border - Landrum) - December 27,28,30 (Varsity)
- District Tournament (Easley, SC) - January 31-February 1 (All Teams)
- Regionals Tournament (Murfreesboro, TN) February 20-22 (All Teams)
- East Coast National - March 5-8 (Gatlinburg, TN) (MSB 14u, JVB, VB)
It is important that if you try out and make the team, you are able to attend these tournaments. Expenses related to the tournaments (lodging, meals and transportation) are additional to registration and fundraising. It is essential that you let your coach know as soon as possible if the player is not able to participate. We will plan ways to offset tournament expenses for our teams as we are able.
- Optional Tournament -
- State Tournament (Easley, SC) - February 13-15 (Tentative)
Fees (Registration / Fundraising / Uniform):
Our goal is to develop a program that provides a competitive environment, while giving the players the opportunity for development.
- Registration Fee (covers the following costs)
- Administrative expenses to support the team (insurance, personnel, etc.)
- Operations (facilities expenses, officials, equipment)
- Participation in the 24/25 Season
- Participation in the 2025 Skills Clinic (about 10-15 sessions), Value - $85
- Summer league free access
- Free access to home games for immediate family (mom, dad and siblings living in the home)
- Fundraising Fee - This is a critical aspect of our program. We will have initiatives that each player can use to raise funds to reduce the cost of the program-related fees. If you have ideas for raising funds, please let us know. Each player will need to bring in the amount specified below in fundraising or to cover that amount as a family.
- Registration - $250
- Fundraising - $200
- Uniform (if needed) - $150
- Registration - $200
- Fundraising - $200
- Uniform (if needed) - $150
Payment Plan - Families can choose an installment plan ($150 at registration and the remainder broken up into 3 additional payments). If the family brings in the fundraising amounts, installments will be adjusted.
All families are expected to take volunteering roles during the season. This may be admissions, setup, scorebook, scoreboard operation, cleanup, etc. Each family will be assigned to a certain amount of slots to sign up for. Continued player participation is dependent upon volunteer slots being fulfilled.
- Physicals - A physical is NOT required in order to participate in tryouts. However, a physical will be necessary to complete your registration the first week of October. Physicals cannot be more than a year old at any time during the season.Check out this link to see when your child's physical expires -
Hurricanes Physicals - $25 Hurricanes physicals will be offered in October. Physicals will be due at Parent/Player Orientation; however, signing up for a Hurricanes physical will meet the physicals requirement to start practice. October dates will be announced.
- Birth Certificate - New players will need to turn in a copy of their birth certificate at the Parent/Player orientation. Birth certificates are kept on file for returning players.
Please look over the Hurricane Athletics Handbook to see Hurricane Athletics policies. (
Questions? Contact Chad Alana (Program Manager) or Lindsay Muir (Administrator)
Chad Alana -
Lindsay Muir -
Get ready for our Boys Basketball Tryouts and a new Basketball season by taking advantage of Canes' Pre-Season Clinic! There are dates for new athletes (this includes last year's LittleCanes athletes and MS developmental team) and returning players who were registered in 23/24 on the Boys MS, JV or Varsity teams. Although there is no charge for our returning players, you must be signed up to participate.
WHAT: Boys Basketball Pre-Season Clinic
WHO: Boys 6th-12th Grade
WHERE: St. Giles Presbyterian Church (1021 Hudson Road, Greenville, SC)
- 12u - Player is 12 years old or younger on 8/1/24
- 14u - Player is 14 years old or younger on 8/1/24
- 16u - Player is 16 years old or younger on 8/1/24
- 18u - Player is 18 years old or younger on 7/1/24
- New Athletes (includes last year's LittleCanes athletes / MS Developmental team)
- September 23, 5-6:30 (12u / 14u) // 6:30-8pm (16u / 18u)
- September 24, 5:30-7pm (12u / 14u) // 7-8:30pm (16u / 18u)
- September 26, 5-6:30pm (12u / 14u) // 6:30-8pm (16u / 18u)
- Returning Athletes (registered in 23/24 on the MS, JV or Varsity teams)
- September 5, 530-7pm (12u / 14u) // 7-8:30pm (16u / 18u)
- September 6, 5-6:30pm (12u / 14u) // 6:30-8pm (16u / 18u)
- September 9, 5-6:30pm (12u / 14u) // 6:30-8pm (16u / 18u)
- September 10, 5:30-7pm (12u / 14u) // 7-8:30pm (16u / 18u)
- September 12, 5-6:30pm (12u / 14u) // 6:30-8pm (16u-18u)
- September 16, 5:30-7pm (12u / 14u) // 7-8:30pm (16u / 18u)
- September 17, 5:30-7pm (12u / 14u) // 7-8:30pm (16u / 18u)
- September 19, 5-6:30pm (12u / 14u) // 6:30-8pm (16u / 18u)
- New Athletes - $40 for all 3 sessions or $20/session
- Returning Athletes - No Charge (covered in last season's registration)
- New Players (includes LittleCanes and MS Developmental players from 23/24) - 447556 - Returning Players (registered on MS, JV or V Basketball in the 23/24 school year) -
Little Canes Boys Basketball Season 2024/25
Hurricanes Boys Basketball is looking forward to a new season of LittleCanes Basketball for homeschooled boys who are 9-12 years old on September 1, 2024. Registration will open on Wednesday, September 25 at 8am, and we will take the first 20 registrants.
Link to Register [will be live at 8am on 9/25] -
Who Can Register:
Players must be homeschooled and must be 9 to 12 years of age on September 1, 2024.
2 Teams of 10 players are planned.
Important Dates:
- Wednesday, September 25 - Registration Opens at 8am
- Tuesday, October 8 - Practices Begin
Practice Schedule:
- October:
- Tuesdays Only - Each team will practice for 1 hour in the 4-6:30pm timeframe
- November through mid-February:
- Tuesdays & Wednesdays - Each team will practice for 1 hour on both days in the 4-6:30pm timeframe
Game Schedule:
Games are planned to begin November 16 and will be held on Saturdays. Playoffs and championship will be held February 8. Definite game dates will be on your TeamSnap app as soon as they are set. Games will have an admission fee of $1-2.
Registration Fees:
Registration for LittleCanes Basketball is $150.
Registration includes player’s jersey top, worn with the player's black or dark shorts. (Jerseys will be returned at the end of the season. If a uniform jersey is lost or damaged there will be a $20 replacement fee.)
Team Placement:
Boys will be evaluated at the first practices to determine teams. You may request to be on a team with another player, and we will do our best to accommodate the request. Both players must request each other in the online registration process in order to be considered. Players may not switch teams once teams are set.
Please look over the Hurricane Athletics Handbook to see Hurricane Athletics policies. The Handbook is found at the web site.
Link to Register [will be live at 8am on 9/25] -
We're excited to offer elementary boys teams again this year! Let us know if you have questions!
The Greenville Hurricanes is a volunteer-based program. Each family is responsible to sign up for a role to support the program.
Examples of Roles include:
Concessions (if applicable)
Home Game Setup and Clean Up
Game Scorebook
Team Mom
Further information regarding volunteering will be given at the Parent/Player Meeting when the season begins.
Please be familiar with the following:
Handbook - Located under "Program Info" on the Home Page of the web site
Physical Forms - Located under "Forms" on the Home Page of the web site
Liability Waivers - Signed in the registration process
About The Canes
Greenville Hurricane Athletics is a 501(c)(3) organization created to provide athletic opportunities to elementary, middle school and high school students. This athletic program is open to the greater homeschooling community and private, Christian, Charter or alternative education groups that may not offer that particular sport in their own organization.
Contact Info
Mailing Address
Greenville Hurricanes
214 Traymore Way
Greer, South Carolina 29650